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Unit 1/16 Prindiville Drive
Wangara, WA 6065

Leavers Jacket

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High quality  Australian Made Leavers Jacket. We supply to schools, Senior Schools and Colleges across Western Australia.

Your own design or call our designer at school to design the jacket

Wanneroo Uniforms leaver’s hoodies and leavers jackets are high quality and Australian made in Perth, with all embroidery and printing done on site. If you make a mistake in ordering an overseas product, you may well end up with the wrong size garment, incorrect spelling of student name or a fault which can lead to a large delay or non-delivery.

Speak to us about your ideas for your school and we will be happy to show you all the options of fabrics, styles and colours. Sizing kits are available on request.

Company Info
Wanneroo Uniforms Perth

Unit 1/16 Prindiville Drive
Wangara, WA 6065

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